Blog | Essex County Moms

Rosh Hashanah Recipe: Roast Chicken with Thyme & Honey

This post originally appeared from The Local Moms Network.  L’Shana Tova to all who celebrate. This Roast Chicken with Thyme and Honey, from Leah Koenig’s The Jewish Cookbook, is one of those go-to meals that works as well for holiday dinners as it does for family...

Estate Planning? Wills During a Pandemic

The Need for a Will During a Pandemic Are you in the need of estate planning and have questions regarding wills during a pandemic? During the last month, Americans have been feeling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as businesses close, stay-at-home orders have been...

What Happens When My Ex-Spouse Violates our Divorce Agreement?

This post originally appeared from Middlesex South Moms. As matrimonial attorneys, our legal partners Lyons & Associates, P.C., unfortunately find that it is common for a former spouse to violate the terms of the divorce agreement in the months and years following...

Let’s Make Cookies! Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread Cookie Recipe

This post originally appeared from The Miami Moms. Early on in the pandemic, we may have overdone it with the banana bread baking. But when we saw these nutritious cookies from our contributor CatwithaK Cooks, we knew we had to try them. Without any added sugar and...

Why It’s Time to Retire the Term “Super Mom”

This post originally appeared from The Mendham Moms.      We’d like to suggest we collectively stop using the term “Super Mom”. Every time we hear it we cringe a little, and we’re pretty certain whoever coined it hadn’t experienced the miraculous storm of...

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